Scholarly articles on effects of child abuse
Scholarly articles on effects of child abuse

Individuals who suffer from depression experience persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness, and they lose interest in the activities they once enjoyed. Depression, otherwise known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, is a common and a serious mood disorder. These include an increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including depression. Abuse can happen at any time and to anyone and has serious, long-lasting negative emotional, mental, and physical effects on the victim. This could lead to either potential or actual harm to the individual’s life, with an enormous effect on their mental and physical health, their dignity, and their future relationships. Abuse may take different forms such as physical, sexual, and emotional as well as commercial exploitation. IntroductionĪbuse is a common issue in all societies around the world and can be defined as an action that intentionally harms, injures, or impairs an individual physically, psychologically, or socially.

scholarly articles on effects of child abuse

More research is needed to understand (a) the role of abuse in the development and maintenance of depression and, in particular, longitudinal studies that also account for the large number of risk and protective factors that influence this relationship and (b) how different types of abuse can influence response to treatment among survivors with depression, in order to provide effective trauma-focused approaches to manage depressive symptoms.

scholarly articles on effects of child abuse scholarly articles on effects of child abuse

Results show that abuse is a vulnerability factor for a variety of mental and physical health problems and that psychological abuse is strongly associated with depression. This article, unlike prior research, provides an overview that addresses physical, psychological, and sexual abuse and their psychological impact on the victims.

scholarly articles on effects of child abuse

Here, we attempt to clarify the relationship between different types of abuse and depression while focusing on childhood abuse. Despite a large amount of research on depression and abuse, there is still a controversy on how abuse is measured and on childhood trauma’s effect on the physiological function of adults.

Scholarly articles on effects of child abuse